The magic of islands: the perfect destination to recharge yourself

Liudmyla Shevchenko
8 min readSep 1, 2023


Stokksnes, Iceland

“And if I was some small bird and if I had wings to fly
I would fly over the ocean where my own true love does lie”—Bonny Light Horseman song

What’s so special about visiting an island? Any island—there are plenty of them with well-known names, and thousands more with less familiar ones.

Most of us might not determine islands as something unique with the only exception—once planning the trip on the island you have slightly fewer options to reach it, whether by boat or a plane in most cases.

The islands in the hot areas offer large beach surfaces to every visitor. The islands to the north might not have such an advantage but could be lucky to offer you incredible landscapes.

This year I already visited quite a few. All of them were different but also very special. And I’d like to share it with you.

Açores, March’23

Soundtrack: Under Giant Trees — Agnes Obel


The archipelago that is composed of nine volcanic islands in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, the green paradise with constantly changing weather, Açores is my all-time favorite place. One of the most special I’ve ever been to.

In fact, I started writing on Medium right after my first visit to this terra maravilhosa. I was so inspired by the recharging 1-month trip that I completely forgot my fear of sharing a story as a writer and one summer evening listening to Agnes Obel I wrote A Story of Growing as a Designer While Traveling.

5 years later having the urge to change Parisian decorations to something completely different here-and-now once again I booked a trip to Açores. Same island, São Miguel, same foggy weather, lots of greenery, lakes, and cows. Plenty of cows.

The place where all day you can walk the hills discovering the beauty of nature and then, turn to the coast side to see black sand beaches.

Mosteiros, Açores

The beauty of Açores is also about its’ calmness—while I’ve noticed more tourists this time still, it’s reasonable and doesn’t bother you much.

One of the most exceptional experiences that I had was staying at the comfy lodge in Sede Cidades. Wake up listening to the rustle of the wind and birds singing, spend a day doing hikes in the area, and come back to a stylish modern home with a fireplace and a basket of food that was gently offered by the hosts. As Bryan Chesky said “The stuff that matters in life is no longer stuff. It’s other people. It’s relationships. It’s experience.And I couldn’t agree more.

7 Cidades Lake Lodge

Iceland, June’23

Soundtrack: The Wolves&The Ravens— Rogue Valley

Jökulsárlón-Glacier lagoon

Iceland was on my dream list for dizaine d’années. I watched “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” plenty of times and constantly saw some cool photographs from this faraway land in my Instagram feed. At the same time, each year I postponed this trip for a number of reasons.

First, everyone said it was expensive. That’s true! The prices in the land of Vikings are really mind-blowing and that’s a great topic for a small talk with a local or other visitors. Also, it’s a chance to complain (can you say I’m living in France now, how did you realize that?).

Second, it’s not exactly great for a solo traveler. On one hand, because of high prices, on the other, because of lack of correspondence to cross the island other than renting a car or a bit hardcore one, hitchhiking.

One day I saw a good deal for a group tour and thought—it’s finally time to go!

The road trip of a lifetime

Views during the road trip

The ambitious plan was to see not only the famous Golden Circle route most of the tourists in Iceland do but also to go around the whole island.

The Ring Road, or Route 1, is the national road that circles Iceland and its length is 1,322 kilometers. It includes vast empty areas and you should always keep in mind that finding a petrol station in some parts might be a huge challenge. Other than that, you should be ready to take thousands of pictures since every area looks different.

Námafjall Hverir

What’s special about Iceland is that it offers a package of multiple views, all-in-one-island. Glaciers, waterfalls, geysers, mountains, geothermal areas. On top of that, neverending daylight in the summer period—while being tired and full of impressions your body would still be hardly ready to relax unless you close the light coming from the windows tightly.

The wonderful habitants

Whale watching

Seeing a whale in his natural surroundings and at the same time just a few meters from you was definitely a highlight of this trip. I was genuinely impressed by his grace and greatness. If only we could talk to them.

Much smaller, a puffin is another proud habitant of Iceland. If you’re lucky enough, Borgarfjarðarhöfn area will offer you a chance to see a colony of puffins next to their holes.

Puffin at the distance of an extended hand

One more proud species is Icelandic horses. They have a unique beauty, their hair flutters under the constant wind, and especially when you see the group of horses that's quite an extraordinary and pleasant experience that brings you peace.

Icelandic horses

Île d’Yeu, August’23

Soundtrack: San Luis — Gregory Alan Isakov

Plage de Ker Châlon

Île d’Yeu is my discovery of this summer. It doesn’t take that much time to reach the island from Paris. In fact, it’s a little adventure since you’re switching between train, bus, and boat, and in the end, you reach the destination that I’d easily say is way more to the south than it really is.

Little white houses with orange tiles and blue shutters—there’s something Mediterranian about it, isn’t it? But no, my friend, it’s the Atlantic coast and it’s a traditional style of architecture in this area.

Peace of mind

One of the unique experiences was “sheep transhumance on the wilder coast”, an excursion you can participate in at La ferme d’Emilie. Together with a group, you follow the shepherd and a dog getting to know le métier and watching the magnificent nature and sun heading to the horizon. Simple and beautiful time.

Transhumance sur la côte sauvage

Another thing to add to your list is to go on a hike around the whole island and pass around 32 km. A chance to see how different are the coasts, to pass by the old castle and prehistoric stone monuments, as well as refresh yourself on one of the beaches.

Île d’Yeu fully recharged me after one week. Thanks to my friends who invited me I had a chance to discover a new part of France that left lasting memories.

Amazing sunrise

What’s so special about visiting an island?

Each time I come to see an island I wonder why people decided to land here centuries ago. Certainly, if it’s not far from a continent that could be slightly easier but what if it’s in the middle of the ocean like Açores? Or its nature is tough to live with, there are very few options to grow food like back in time in Iceland? Well, then probably you start to eat fermented shark hákarl (please do not try it nowadays).

Each island is a separate complex organism. Locals know its nature the best way and whenever I have a chance I love talking to locals to be able to get a better understanding of how it is to live in that place.

If you live in a big city, islands can offer you a different smaller-scale urban area. Even the capital of Iceland Reykjavík felt so. It’s walkable and there are charming little wooden houses here and there with the smell of kanelbullar.

Islands are literally taking you from your usual life and thoughts. You’re separated by miles of water in new surroundings and this is a perfect approach to look at your life from a side. To see it differently and from a new angle, to put on pause your usual perception, and maybe, to get new coordinates where to head next. Both as a next travel destination and as your life goals.

All photos were taken by me (the first one was taken by my friend). If you want to see more of my travel photos as well as my art and life, check my Instagram page.

Bon voyage !



Liudmyla Shevchenko

Product designer, ex globetrotter based in Paris. Writing about my experience in work, life, and travel